
Malba celebrates its 10 year anniversary

Av. Figueroa Alcorta 3415
CI 1425 CLA Buenos Aires Argentina
(5411) 4808 6500

2001年成立的Malba, Costanini基金會,阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯的拉丁美洲藝術博物館,為了慶祝10周年的紀念,舉辦了幾個重要的展覽和活動。

承蒙與休斯頓美術館的拉丁美洲美術部門的藝術交流協議,他的常設典藏將於914遠赴Malba借展,與卡洛斯克魯斯蒂斯的回顧展Color in Space and Time,時與空之色彩共同展出,係由馬里卡門拉米雷斯策展。在20124月,Malba將以他自己的常設展的送到休士頓展出,作為此次借展的回報。


MFAH Malba2005年起啟動了常設藝術作品的交換交流協議,成為第一次美國境內與拉丁美洲國家藝術作品的首例。將於9/20開幕,Malba將展出MFAH14件現代藝術的作品,作為此館常設拉美作品展出的一部份。包括了Hércules Barsotti, Aluísio Carvão, Lygia Clark, Joaquín Torres-García, Gego, Hélio Oiticica, David Alfaro Siqueiros and Jesús Rafael Soto的作品,即將展到2012年的三月份。春季時,Malba將派送超過30件繪畫和雕塑作品給MFAH作為借展的回報,這些作品是相關內容的重量級藝術作品,包括Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Tarsila do Amaral, Joaquín Torres-García, Roberto Matta, Wifredo Lam, Fernando Botero, Xul Solar and Antonio Berni等大師級藝術家的作品,自2012年四月1起開始展覽。

除了借展作品外,Malba也會展出廣受好評的卡洛斯克魯斯蒂斯的Color in Space and Time,時與空之色彩。

Malba是此展覽在拉丁美洲第一個展出場地,是第一次這位弗朗哥時期委內瑞拉的先鋒藝術家Cruz Diez的大型回顧展,由MFAHCruz Diez基金會共同策辦,並由MetLife 基金會主要贊助。有125件作品將送往Malba展出,將於921開幕,與借展品一起展至201235

(譯/  Jin)

Established in 2001, Malba – Fundación Costantini, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires, Argentina, prepares to celebrate its 10th anniversary, with several exhibitions and events planned to mark the occasion.
Thanks to an artistic exchange agreement with the Latin American Art Department at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), this September 14 loans from its Permanent Collection will travel to Malba, along with the Carlos Cruz-Diez retrospective: Color in Space and Time, curated by Mari Carmen Ramírez. In April 2012, Malba will reciprocate the loans by sending to MFAH master works of its own permanent collection.

Timed with the exhibition openings, Malba will also host a three-day International Symposium titled: "Latin American Art. Ten years of changes, perspectives and projects."

Exchange of Works from Permanent Collections
MFAH and Malba have had an artistic exchange agreement in place since 2005: the first of its kind between a United States and a South American museum. Opening September 20, Malba will display 14 Modern works from the MFAH's collection as part of the re-installation of their own permanent holdings of Latin American Art. Some of the works are by Hércules Barsotti, Aluísio Carvão, Lygia Clark, Joaquín Torres-García, Gego, Hélio Oiticica, David Alfaro Siqueiros and Jesús Rafael Soto. The works will be on view through March 2012. In the spring, Malba will reciprocate the loan by sending to the MFAH more than 30 paintings and sculptures, considered the most relevant highlights of its permanent collection, including pieces of Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Tarsila do Amaral, Joaquín Torres-García, Roberto Matta, Wifredo Lam, Fernando Botero, Xul Solar and Antonio Berni, among other masters, on view beginning April 1, 2012.

Along with the permanent collection loans, Malba will also receive the critically acclaimed Carlos Cruz-Diez: Color in Space and Time. Malba will be the first venue in Latin America to display this exhibition—the first large-scale retrospective of the pioneering Franco-Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez (b. 1923) organized by MFAH and Cruz-Diez Foundation with the mayor support of MetLife Foundation. 125 works will travel to Malba, opening September 21, 2011, with the loan exhibition and on view through March 5, 2012.


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